New architecture GPUs like A100 are now equipped with multi-instance GPU (MIG) technology, which allows the GPU to be partitioned into multiple small, isolated instances. This technology provides more flexibility for users to support both deep learning training and inference workloads, but efficiently utilizing it can still be challenging. The vision of this paper is to provide a more comprehensive and practical benchmark study for MIG in order to eliminate the need for tedious manual benchmarking and tuning efforts. To achieve this vision, the paper presents MIGPerf, an open-source tool that streamlines the benchmark study for MIG. Using MIGPerf, the authors conduct a series of experiments, including deep learning training and inference characterization on MIG, GPU sharing characterization, and framework compatibility with MIG. The results of these experiments provide new insights and guidance for users to effectively employ MIG, and lay the foundation for further research on the orchestration of hybrid training and inference workloads on MIGs. The code and results are released on This work is still in progress and more results will be published soon.
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The lack of efficient segmentation methods and fully-labeled datasets limits the comprehensive assessment of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) microstructures like retinal vessel network (RVN) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ), which are of great value in ophthalmic and systematic diseases evaluation. Here, we introduce an innovative OCTA microstructure segmentation network (OMSN) by combining an encoder-decoder-based architecture with multi-scale skip connections and the split-attention-based residual network ResNeSt, paying specific attention to OCTA microstructural features while facilitating better model convergence and feature representations. The proposed OMSN achieves excellent single/multi-task performances for RVN or/and FAZ segmentation. Especially, the evaluation metrics on multi-task models outperform single-task models on the same dataset. On this basis, a fully annotated retinal OCTA segmentation (FAROS) dataset is constructed semi-automatically, filling the vacancy of a pixel-level fully-labeled OCTA dataset. OMSN multi-task segmentation model retrained with FAROS further certifies its outstanding accuracy for simultaneous RVN and FAZ segmentation.
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The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to mimic the human brain to perform decision-making and control directly from high-dimensional sensory input. All-optical diffractive neural networks provide a promising solution for realizing artificial intelligence with high-speed and low-power consumption. To date, most of the reported diffractive neural networks focus on single or multiple tasks that do not involve interaction with the environment, such as object recognition and image classification, while the networks that can perform decision-making and control, to our knowledge, have not been developed yet. Here, we propose to use deep reinforcement learning to realize diffractive neural networks that enable imitating the human-level capability of decision-making and control. Such networks allow for finding optimal control policies through interaction with the environment and can be readily realized with the dielectric metasurfaces. The superior performances of these networks are verified by engaging three types of classic games, Tic-Tac-Toe, Super Mario Bros., and Car Racing, and achieving the same or even higher levels comparable to human players. Our work represents a solid step of advancement in diffractive neural networks, which promises a fundamental shift from the target-driven control of a pre-designed state for simple recognition or classification tasks to the high-level sensory capability of artificial intelligence. It may find exciting applications in autonomous driving, intelligent robots, and intelligent manufacturing.
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Molecular representation learning is crucial for the problem of molecular property prediction, where graph neural networks (GNNs) serve as an effective solution due to their structure modeling capabilities. Since labeled data is often scarce and expensive to obtain, it is a great challenge for GNNs to generalize in the extensive molecular space. Recently, the training paradigm of "pre-train, fine-tune" has been leveraged to improve the generalization capabilities of GNNs. It uses self-supervised information to pre-train the GNN, and then performs fine-tuning to optimize the downstream task with just a few labels. However, pre-training does not always yield statistically significant improvement, especially for self-supervised learning with random structural masking. In fact, the molecular structure is characterized by motif subgraphs, which are frequently occurring and influence molecular properties. To leverage the task-related motifs, we propose a novel paradigm of "pre-train, prompt, fine-tune" for molecular representation learning, named molecule continuous prompt tuning (MolCPT). MolCPT defines a motif prompting function that uses the pre-trained model to project the standalone input into an expressive prompt. The prompt effectively augments the molecular graph with meaningful motifs in the continuous representation space; this provides more structural patterns to aid the downstream classifier in identifying molecular properties. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets show that MolCPT efficiently generalizes pre-trained GNNs for molecular property prediction, with or without a few fine-tuning steps.
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Open-retrieval conversational machine reading comprehension (OCMRC) simulates real-life conversational interaction scenes. Machines are required to make a decision of "Yes/No/Inquire" or generate a follow-up question when the decision is "Inquire" based on retrieved rule texts, user scenario, user question, and dialogue history. Recent studies explored the methods to reduce the information gap between decision-making and question generation and thus improve the performance of generation. However, the information gap still exists because these pipeline structures are still limited in decision-making, span extraction, and question rephrasing three stages. Decision-making and generation are reasoning separately, and the entailment reasoning utilized in decision-making is hard to share through all stages. To tackle the above problem, we proposed a novel one-stage end-to-end framework, called Entailment Fused-T5 (EFT), to bridge the information gap between decision-making and generation in a global understanding manner. The extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the OR-ShARC benchmark.
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The geographically weighted regression (GWR) is an essential tool for estimating the spatial variation of relationships between dependent and independent variables in geographical contexts. However, GWR suffers from the problem that classical linear regressions, which compose the GWR model, are more prone to be underfitting, especially for significant volume and complex nonlinear data, causing inferior comparative performance. Nevertheless, some advanced models, such as the decision tree and the support vector machine, can learn features from complex data more effectively while they cannot provide explainable quantification for the spatial variation of localized relationships. To address the above issues, we propose a geographically gradient boosting weighted regression model, GWRBoost, that applies the localized additive model and gradient boosting optimization method to alleviate underfitting problems and retains explainable quantification capability for spatially-varying relationships between geographically located variables. Furthermore, we formulate the computation method of the Akaike information score for the proposed model to conduct the comparative analysis with the classic GWR algorithm. Simulation experiments and the empirical case study are applied to prove the efficient performance and practical value of GWRBoost. The results show that our proposed model can reduce the RMSE by 18.3\% in parameter estimation accuracy and AICc by 67.3\% in the goodness of fit.
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Deep learning based change detection methods have received wide attentoion, thanks to their strong capability in obtaining rich features from images. However, existing AI-based CD methods largely rely on three functionality-enhancing modules, i.e., semantic enhancement, attention mechanisms, and correspondence enhancement. The stacking of these modules leads to great model complexity. To unify these three modules into a simple pipeline, we introduce Relational Change Detection Transformer (RCDT), a novel and simple framework for remote sensing change detection tasks. The proposed RCDT consists of three major components, a weight-sharing Siamese Backbone to obtain bi-temporal features, a Relational Cross Attention Module (RCAM) that implements offset cross attention to obtain bi-temporal relation-aware features, and a Features Constrain Module (FCM) to achieve the final refined predictions with high-resolution constraints. Extensive experiments on four different publically available datasets suggest that our proposed RCDT exhibits superior change detection performance compared with other competing methods. The therotical, methodogical, and experimental knowledge of this study is expected to benefit future change detection efforts that involve the cross attention mechanism.
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Adding perturbations via utilizing auxiliary gradient information or discarding existing details of the benign images are two common approaches for generating adversarial examples. Though visual imperceptibility is the desired property of adversarial examples, conventional adversarial attacks still generate traceable adversarial perturbations. In this paper, we introduce a novel Adversarial Attack via Invertible Neural Networks (AdvINN) method to produce robust and imperceptible adversarial examples. Specifically, AdvINN fully takes advantage of the information preservation property of Invertible Neural Networks and thereby generates adversarial examples by simultaneously adding class-specific semantic information of the target class and dropping discriminant information of the original class. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1K demonstrate that the proposed AdvINN method can produce less imperceptible adversarial images than the state-of-the-art methods and AdvINN yields more robust adversarial examples with high confidence compared to other adversarial attacks.
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冷启动是推荐系统中的必要且持久的问题。最先进的解决方案依赖于基于辅助信息的冷启动和现有用户/项目的培训混合模型。这种混合模型将损害现有用户/项目的性能,这可能使这些解决方案不适用于现实世界中的推荐系统,在这些系统中,必须保证现有用户/项目的体验。同时,已证明图形神经网络(GNN)可以有效地进行温暖(非冷淡)建议。但是,从未应用它们来处理用户项目两部分图中的冷启动问题。这是一项具有挑战性但有意义的任务,因为冷启动用户/项目没有链接。此外,设计合适的GNN来进行冷启动建议是不算气的,同时保持现有用户/项目的性能。为了弥合差距,我们提出了一个量身定制的基于GNN的框架(GPATCH),其中包含两个单独但相关的组件。首先,有效的GNN体系结构 - Gwarmer,旨在建模暖用户/物品。其次,我们通过进行冷启动建议来构建相关的补丁网络,以模拟和补丁Gwarmer。基准和大规模商业数据集的实验表明,GPATCH在为现有和冷启动的用户/项目提供建议方面非常出色。
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对话机阅读理解(CMRC)旨在帮助计算机理解自然语言文本,然后进行多转交谈以回答与文本有关的问题。现有方法通常需要三个步骤:(1)基于需要推理的决策; (2)如果上述决定的要求,请跨越提取; (3)基于提取的跨度重新绘制问题。但是,对于几乎所有这些方法,跨度提取和问题的改写步骤无法完全利用决策制定步骤中的细粒度构成推理信息,因为它们的相对独立性将进一步扩大决策制定和问题措辞之间的信息差距。因此,为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个基于共享参数机制的对话机读取理解理解的新颖端到端框架,称为Intailment推理T5(ET5)。尽管我们提出的框架轻量级,但实验结果表明,拟议的ET5以55.2的BLEU-4分数在Sharc排行榜上取得了新的最新结果。我们的模型和代码可在上公开获取。
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